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e-Newsletter Issue 175



Scott Roedersheimer
3VA Marketing Officer

Contact Us:

Eastbourne: 01323 639 373

Lewes: 01273 483 832

Wealden: 01825 765 136


Welcome to the latest e-Newsletter!

29 September 2014

3VA provides a range of practical support to charities and community groups in Wealden, Eastbourne and the Lewes District - including start-up support, funding advice, help with governance, training and getting involved in local policy and decision making. For more information, please visit www.3va.org.uk.

Member of the Week: Eastbourne Seniors Forum

Each issue, we want to highlight the work of one of our amazing range of members across Wealden, Eastbourne and the Lewes District. This week, during which we’ll celebrate Older People’s Day on 1 October, it is the turn of Eastbourne Seniors Forum.

Eastbourne Seniors' Forum (ESF) gives a collective voice to the over fifties of Eastbourne, helping them to influence decision-makers on issues which impact their everyday lives. ESF is an independent body, run by older people for older people.  It is democratic and inclusive with a written constitution and bank account. The Forum is non-party political and holds no affiliations to any political parties. Members of the Forum decide their own agenda, sharing information, raising issues of concern and feeding back to their members. All people over fifty are welcome to join regardless of ethnic backgrounds, disability, sexuality, religious, cultural or political beliefs.

For more information about their work, please visit their website: www.esf-online.org.

3VA Annual General Meeting (AGM)

Save the date! Our AGM has been scheduled for Thursday, 4 December 2014 in Eastbourne. Further details will be sent in the coming weeks, so please ensure that you keep an eye on your inbox. 

Support for Voluntary Groups Questionnaire

We're seeking your views on the future of infrastructure support and development services. Please participate in this very quick online survey, which shouldn't take more than 5 minutes to complete. Your responses are crucial in helping us identify what information, advice and support for voluntary groups should look like in 2015.

Eastbourne Jobs Hub

Eastbourne Jobs Hub is launching at the end of September. It is situated in Eastbourne library with a dedicated manager to help direct people to find the right support; be it people looking for a new job or training opportunity or local employers looking for help with their recruitment process. The Hub is open Monday to Wednesday from 10:00 am to 4:30 pm, 10:00 am to 6:30 pm on Thursday and 10:30 am to 4:30 pm on Friday.

WOW Exchange Live Event

Next month will see the success of the WOW Exchange gather momentum with an October event penned to bring together the best of East Sussex's business and charity communities. WOW has already facilitated thousands of pounds of services to the local community, so if you are looking to meet like-minded individuals who want to make a difference please come to the Sussex Exchange between 6:00 pm and 8:30 pm on Thursday, 23 October. The event is free and all are welcome. Please register online in advance. Light refreshments and a cash bar will be available. 


Consultation on Knowledge and Skills for Child and Family Social Work Statement 

Deadline for responses: 9 October 2014
The Department for Education is now seeking views on the draft statement of knowledge and skills as a statement of what a child and family social worker needs to know at the end of a first year in practice and as a statement to inform what is taught on qualifying programmes to properly equip those studying to become effective child and family social workers. Views are invited from social workers, local authorities and local authority (LA) representative bodies, other employers of social workers (private, voluntary and independent), children and young people, higher education and further education institutions and their representative bodies.

Strengthening the Law on Domestic Abuse – A Consultation

Deadline for responses: 15 October 2014
Strengthening the Law on Domestic Abuse is a consultation that seeks views on whether the current law on domestic abuse needs to be strengthened to offer better protection to victims. It is focused on whether we should create a specific offence that captures patterns of coercive and controlling behaviour in intimate relationships, in line with the government’s non-statutory definition of domestic abuse. If your organisation works in the area of Domestic Abuse, please take this opportunity to contribute to the Consultation

Wealden District Council Proposed Car Parking Order 2014

Deadline for responses: 31 October 2014
Wealden District Council's current Off Street Car Parking Order (regulations affecting the running of car parks) dates from 1990 and a new Off Street Car Parking Order was made to reflect changes in parking requirements and demands and to provide flexibility to reflect local circumstances and needs. Constructive views on the proposed Off Street Car Parking Order 2014 are now being invited.

East Sussex Children & Young People's Plan

The East Sussex Children & Young People’s Trust (CYPT) is a partnership of public, voluntary and independent sector organisations that believe they can improve outcomes for children and young people by working together. The current Children & Young People's Plan expires at the end of 2014. The new plan will inform the shape of services for children and families in East Sussex as well as the direction of partnership working. You are invited to share your views on the ten drafted priorities to be considered for inclusion within the new plan.


Sussex Community Foundation (SCF) Grants

Deadline for applications: 10 October 2014
Round 3 of the Sussex Community Foundation grants programme is now open for applications. In addition to the quarterly grants, annual endowment funds are also available. Please visit the 3VA website for the full list of available programmes and criteria

LandAid Funding

Deadline for applications: 20 October 2014
Capital grant funding of between £75,000 and £150,000 for building projects and/or free professional property advice is available to registered charities that work to improve the lives of children and/or young people up to 25 years old who are experiencing social and/or economic disadvantages. The project can involve refurbishment, conversion, extension, new build and work to outdoor spaces. Grants over more than one year may be available.

Blagrave Trust Fund

Deadline for applications: 31 October 2014
The Blagrave Trust Fund, administered by the Sussex Community Foundation, is open for funding  applications from organisations which support children and young people to reach their full potential, including those with special needs or who are disabled. Grants of up to £25,000 per year for three years are available in this two-stage process. Closing date for initial applications is Friday 31 October, 2014  For more information, please contact Mary Carruthers on 01273 409440.

Triangle Trust 1949 Fund

Deadline for applications: 6 November 2014 
The Triangle Trust 1949 Fund is now accepting applications for the next round of grants from organisations working with rehabilitation of offenders or ex-offenders. Development grants of up to £40,000 per annum for three years are available. 

Money for Life Challenge

Deadline for applications: 21 November 2014
If your organisation works with young people, then Money for Life Challenge small grants of £500 might be of interest. They are available for groups of up to ten 16 to 24 year olds in the UK to run a project to improve money management skills in their community. The groups can be learners in further education, from work-based learning, adult community learning or training organisations and the project must focus on helping the community manage its money more effectively. A project sponsor is needed. The Challenge is also a competition with great prizes.

Wealden District Council Community Grants Programme

Deadline for applications: 30 November 2014
Wealden District Council's Community Grants Programme is now accepting applications for its Small Grant Scheme, Capital Scheme and Service Level Agreements. A limited number of 40 minute pre-application advice sessions will take place in Hailsham and Uckfield during office hours in October and early November. For more information about the awards and to book your advice session, please visit the Community Grants Programme website.


Volunteer Centre East Sussex Master Class: Recruiting & Selecting Volunteers

8 October, Lewes
While a few organisations enjoy the luxury of being inundated with enquiries from people wanting to volunteer with them, most groups have to work hard at finding new ways to attract potential volunteers. The highly interactive Recruiting & Selecting Volunteers master class is aimed at assisting you to identify innovative and effective ways of recruiting and selecting volunteers that are suitable for your organisation. 

Risk Management and Contingency Planning for Voluntary and Community Organisations

16 October, Eastbourne
This Risk Management and Contingency Planning course will help you develop simple tools to ensure you are protecting yourself as an individual and as an organisation. You will come away from this course with a tool ready to use and easy to implement within your organisation.

All Change: An Introduction to Change Management for Leaders

22 October, Eastbourne
This short Introduction to Change Management for Leaders workshop aims to equip you with an understanding of common responses to change and what makes teams successful in times of change. It helps leaders develop the knowledge and skills to plan effective change and support individuals and teams effectively.

Community Chef Courses

Community Chef is offering training over the next six weeks, including Bread Club Training for people who want to set up community bread clubs and make and share real bread which is better for us, our communities and the planet, and Cookery Leader Training and mentoring for people who are passionate about good food, who want to set up and run food related initiatives which aim to improve the health and wellbeing of their communities.


Advice & Inclusion Services Programme Manager – Sussex Community Development Association (SCDA)

Deadline for applications: 10 October 2014
A relatively new work area within SCDA, Advice & Inclusion Services requires an experienced and creative strategically-aware manager, with a positive & personable approach to lead and direct a multidisciplinary team of staff & volunteers. For more information and an application pack, please view the Advice & Inclusion Services Programme Manager job advert.

Community Development Programme Manager – Sussex Community Development Association (SCDA)

Deadline for applications: 10 October 2014
SCDA is seeking a Community Development Programme Manager who will have overall responsibility for developing and leading a multidisciplinary team of staff and volunteers; managing a range of services and day-to-day activities; developing new sources of funding; managing existing funders and bringing the message of inclusive communities to our service users and the communities we serve. For more information and an application pack, please view the Community Development Programme Manager job advert.

Facilities & Premises Manager – Sussex Community Development Association (SCDA)

Deadline for applications: 10 October 2014
SCDA is seeking an experienced, solution focussed problem solver who will have responsibility for creating and reporting against an asset risk register for the Board of Trustees; leading on H&S responsibilities for the organisation; sourcing new delivery locations; and negotiating service contracts as required and, in collaboration with the Finance Manager, you will also manage the Facilities Coordinator, who in turn supervises central reception services. For more information and an application pack, please view the Facilities & Premises Manager job advert.

Eastbourne Shed Project Co-ordinator – Age Concern Eastbourne

Deadline for applications: 13 October 2014
Age Concern Eastbourne needs an enthusiastic co-ordinator to set up and run their new innovative Eastbourne Shed Project. The Shed will be a communal space for older people to share skills and experiences, to make things and to make friends. For more information and an application pack, please view the Eastbourne Shed Project Co-ordinator job advert or email John Trainor at john.trainor@ageconcerneastbourne.co.uk

Service Co-ordinator – Sussex Interpreting Services

Deadline for applications: 23 October 2014 at 4:00 pm
Proud of their inclusive record of service delivery and employment, Sussex Interpreting Services is seeking a Service Co-ordinator who can advance their commitment to equality and diversity. The successful candidate will have experience of working with BME communities and a good understanding of social care and health needs within culturally diverse communities. An enthusiastic team player, you will be customer focused and have excellent IT, communication, organisation and diplomacy skills. For more information and an application pack, please visit the recruitment page on their website or email info@sussexinterpreting.org.uk. Alternatively, send a C4 self-addressed stamped envelope with £0.76 postage to Sussex Interpreting Services, Community Base, 113 Queens Road, Brighton BN1 3XG.

Have a news item to advertise or good news to share? 3VA can help you get the word out about job vacancies, training, projects, events and other work. For more information, please visit our website

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Denton Island
Newhaven, East Sussex BN9 9BA
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