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For Immediate Release

Volunteer Centre East Sussex is a countywide service, set up as a hub of expertise, with support from each of the three Councils for Voluntary Services.

We are the nationally accredited Volunteer Centre for East Sussex - promoting, supporting and developing volunteering across the county.


Contact Us:

Brenda Bruzon
Volunteering Coordinator (individual support)

Lee Shepherd
Volunteering Development Officer (group support)


01323 301 757



Thinking about volunteering? Come to Eastbourne Library to find out how!

Volunteer Centre East Sussex, the accredited centre that promotes, supports and develops volunteering across East Sussex, will host an Ask the Expert session at Eastbourne Library, Grove Road, Eastbourne BN21 4TL on Tuesday, 25 November 2014 from 10:00 am to 12:00 noon. All are welcome.

With hundreds of volunteering opportunities available in the county, knowing how to get involved can seem daunting. Ask the Expert sessions provide an opportunity for the public to speak to experienced local volunteers, or Volunteering Champions, who can answer questions about volunteering, discuss current volunteering opportunities and advise on how to find the perfect role. 

We'd be grateful if you could help spread the word about this event by putting up this poster. If you'd like us to post hard copies, please contact us.

According to Valuing the Voluntary Sector, more than 60,000 people volunteer approximately 134,000 hours per week in the county, making an economic contribution valued at more than £80 million annually.

Peter Field, Lord-Lieutenant for East Sussex, said “Volunteering keeps you young, keeps you active, keeps you involved and gives you a purpose in life. Without volunteers our society’s structure would probably completely collapse. We’re very grateful to volunteers because not only are they giving something to the community but they’re also getting something from the community as well. It’s a great activity and I would encourage everybody to get involved.”

For more information about Volunteer Centre East Sussex, please visit www.vces.org.uk

Volunteer Centre East Sussex is hosted by 3VA, registered charity number 1096788 and company limited by gurantee in England and Wales number 4637252. Internet communications are not secure and therefore 3VA does not accept legal responsibility for the content of this message. This e-mail and any files transmitted with it are confidential and solely for the use of the intended recipient.


Registered Office:
Newhaven Enterprise Centre
Denton Island
Newhaven, East Sussex BN9 9BA
United Kingdom