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East Sussex alcohol harm reduction strategy 2021-2026

4 August 2021

Reducing Harm: ambitions for a healthier relationship with alcohol in East Sussex

East Sussex has a new multi-agency alcohol harm reduction strategy. This strategy has been developed with participation of over 20 local stakeholders across the county to address the complex problem of alcohol related harm using a systems approach. It sets out five ambitions to be achieved over the next five years:

  • Ambition 1: reduce number of people drinking above Chief Medical Officers recommendation 14 units per week (risky drinking population)
  • Ambition 2: improve access to treatment services for people who could be benefiting (reduce those who are dependent on alcohol and have unmet need from 84% to 75% by 2026).
  • Ambition 3: reduce the 5,224 people who are dependent drinkers by a quarter to 4,000 by 2026
  • Ambition 4: increase holistic support for parents and children, reducing number of children living with an alcohol dependent adult by 25% from 1,960 to 1,470 by 2026
  • Ambition 5: reduce alcohol related harm in Hastings: Hospital admissions (narrow measure) to be similar to national average by 2026; Alcohol specific mortality in Hastings to be similar to the East Sussex average.

The latest data shows over of quarter of the 16+ population (around 120,000 people) in East Sussex are drinking at risky levels. In addition, over 5,000 local people are dependent on alcohol. A recent survey in East Sussex (summer 2020) identified that residents have been consuming more alcohol and drinking more often during lockdown.

The East Sussex Alcohol Harm Reduction Strategy will be available on the East Sussex County Council website in August 2021. Partner organisations have already started work to implement the strategy and achieve the ambitions by 2026.

For more information contact Colin Brown: Colin.Brown@eastsussex.gov.uk.


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